Thursday, February 14, 2013

Spring Sports Massage Spokane

Elements Therapeutic Massage Spokane uses Sports Massage to enhance the health regime of athletes.  During spring, requirements of the body are changed as focus is directed to outside sports such as Golf, Tennis and Running.  Whether professional or amateur, all athletes are susceptible to injuries from their sport of choice, and all can benefit from Therapeutic Sports Massage.  Therapeutic Sports Massage highlights the healing of injuries to tendons and ligaments and helps to ease built up tension and stress the body develops during physical activity.

Golfers who are working to reclaim their club shots after our long winters need to be aware of the main stresses on the body.  The golf swing and hunched over putters stance are the primary contributors to back, neck and shoulder pain.  Therapeutic Massage prior to golfing can be beneficial in increasing flexibility and range of motion, both of which are necessary for the golf swing. Other common injuries include carpal tunnel, and knee pain both of which can be addressed before and after injuries by working to increase flexibility and circulation to the areas.

Tennis players suffer from two types of injuries, overuse and acute (traumatic).  Overuse injuries happen over time as stress to the muscles, joints and soft tissues are unable to properly heal between uses. If not treated early, overuse injuries that begin as a small ache or pain can become debilitating.  As with golfers, Therapeutic Massage can work to increase the circulation, range of motion and flexibility to help avoid overuse injuries.  Acute injuries such as rotator cuff tendonitis, shoulder tendonitis, achilles tendonitis and tennis elbow (or lateral epicondylitis) can benefit from Massage to help reduce stress to the body and mind in order to help advance the return to the courts as well as reducing inflammation to the areas through an increase in circulation. 

Runners put specific repetitive stress on their bodies which is different from most other sports.  Lower body injuries are the most common and destructive to a runner.  Preventative massage may help runners avoid injuries such like pulled hamstrings by stretching the muscle and increasing flexibility.  The benefits of massage can help with hip bursitis, where pain is caused with hip movement, and snapping hip syndrome, which encompasses three distinct hip problems, by increasing the circulation to the affected areas to help reduce inflammation.  Itiotibial Band syndrome, an inflamed fibrous band spanning from the hip to the shin that lends stability, and tibial stress syndrome (shin splints) can be helped by massage to reduce inflation and reduce stress on the areas. 

Most spring sports and physical activity in general are extremely susceptible to knee injuries.  From a golfer twisting a knee with the swing, a tennis player’s jerky movements and quickly changing directions, to a runner’s repeated impact to the joints, the knee takes a lot of abuse.  Massage before activity may help prepare the joints for the change in activity and can be used after sports to reduce stress and increase healing time to avoid injuries.

Elements Therapeutic Massage understands that each sport has its own unique impact on the body and uses different muscle groups.  Spring sports such as golf, tennis and running are just a few examples of the many available sports in the Spokane area and we encourage everyone to get out and enjoy sports as part of a healthy lifestyle.  The benefits of physical activity are seen in both the mind and the body. At Elements, our therapists are specially trained in Therapeutic Sports massage, and we are here to help keep you in the game before, during and after.

At Elements Therapeutic Massage Spokane, each massage is individually customized to best fit your health and wellness regimen.  Contact one of our 3 Spokane Elements Therapeutic Massage locations to book an appointment with one of our specialists.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Weight Loss and Control

A favorite New Year resolution for many is to lose weight and become healthier.  With so many programs and options available, some which may work and some which may not, Therapeutic Massage can enhance any weight loss program. 
   At Elements Therapeutic Massage Spokane we don’t believe massage alone is a viable weight loss solution, instead exercise and nutrition are the healthiest ways to achieve this goal.  We do believe that Therapeutic Massage can help increase the likelihood of success in any program.  Benefits of an Elements Therapeutic Massage that directly correspond with weight loss or weight control are improved circulation, improved range of motion and flexibility and lower stress.

   During exercise the body creates high levels of known waste products such as lactic and carbonic acid which build up in the muscles. Increased circulation helps to eliminate these while also supplying nutrition to the used muscles.  Circulation increases the interchange of vital substances between blood and tissues increasing tissue metabolism and maximizing the supply of vital nutrients and oxygen.  The outcome of increased circulation through massage are improved muscle recovery time and burning the maximum number of calories.

   Improved range of motion and flexibility through Therapeutic Massage correspond to weight loss and weight control by enhancing a workout routine.  Improved range of motion helps maintain maximum power and performance while muscles are active, burning the maximum number of calories. Increased flexibility is a key function in any exercise program by reducing the risk of injury.  Range of motion and flexibility of muscles through Therapeutic Massage allow an exercise program to stay on course, allow muscles a chance to be stretched and rested and avoid burnout.  A combination of improved Circulation, range of motion and flexibility through Therapeutic Massage has been seen in improvements in body contour and skin texture.

   Preparing not only your body, but your mind for a lifestyle change is an area Elements Therapeutic Massage is specialized in. Reducing stress relaxes muscles allowing them to rest between workouts and prevent muscle strain.  The physical aspects of stress relief are combined with a new attitude, shifting towards a more healthy approach on life which can increase the dedication to a new or existing exercise program.

   Therapeutic Massage as part of a weight loss or weight control plan can increase your success rate. We encourage the advice of a doctor when starting or changing any exercise program to see what works best for you and please ask them about the benefits of massage.  Don’t be surprised if they recommend more massages at the beginning of your plan as this is normal to avoid injury and to help know your body’s way of handing stress and exertion.

   At Elements Therapeutic Massage Spokane, each massage is individually customized to best fit your health and wellness regimen.  Contact one of our studios to book an appointment with one of our specialists.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Balance Summer Stress

Massage + A Healthy Diet: The Perfect Combination to Balance Summer Stress
Eating healthy is never an easy task. While the summer months provide many opportunities to eat light and avoid over-indulging, challenges will always exist. Get an early start to forming your healthy eating and de-stressing habits this season by calming your digestive system and balancing your body with these quick tips.

Healthy Eating Habits: Prepare yourself and your meals – Ensure your schedule has time for good health by planning ahead. Plan out your meals and make the trip to the grocery store or local farmer’s market early to stock your kitchen with a nutritious array of foods and on-the-go-snacks.

Manage your plate size – Try to fill only half of your plate with lean proteins (tofu, fish, chicken) and complex whole grain carbs. The other half should consist of fruits and vegetables.
Drink water – The goal here is to drink at least six eight-ounce glasses a day. This amount increases based on your activity level. Drinking water throughout the day aids your body’s detoxification process and boosts energy and digestion.
Do not skip meals – Eating smaller meals more frequently can boost your metabolism and your ability to burn calories. Be sure to eat breakfast, even if it consists of a small portion of fruit or a homemade smoothie of your favorite nutritious ingredients. Carry healthy snacks throughout the day to remedy your cravings with a nourishing solution.

Sleep – A sufficient amount of sleep can act as a mental reset button as well as help you to maintain an ideal weight by omitting cravings for both sugar and carbs. Seven to eight hours is an adequate amount of sleep for the average adult. Despite what some may believe, the attempt to recapture lost sleep on the weekends does not benefit the body as much as maintaining a consistent and healthy sleep pattern will.

Massage and The Digestive System
Therapeutic massage sessions can promote a healthy digestive system by relaxing tense abdominal and intestinal walls, as well as stimulating activity of your major digestive organs (kidneys, colon, small and large intestines) to improve circulation and waste removal. When combined with a healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and complex carbs, massage therapy can help regulate your bowel movements, flush out the toxins in your system and leave you feeling more energetic and rejuvenated.

Find Balance for Your Body With Therapeutic Massage Studies have found massage helpful for stress relief and for balancing your body by aiding its ability to handle anxiety and depression, as well as boosting immunity. Massage has been shown to help regulate naturally-occurring chemicals in the body (hormones including norepinephrine, cortisol and serotonin) that are associated with stress and relaxation.

These benefits of regular massage can help you cope with stress when it’s occurring — and also develop a stronger everyday resilience to future stress.
Whether you need to release tension, reduce stress or simply relax and feel your best, regularly scheduled therapeutic massage sessions are essential for promoting your overall mind and body well-being. Regular monthly massages provide relief to people of all ages and all walks of life. It is the perfect recipe for helping you unwind and prepare yourself for a happy healthy summer.

At Elements Therapeutic Massage Spokane, each massage is individually customized to best fit your health and wellness regimen.  Contact one of our locations to book your appointment today.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tips for Maximizing your Massage

As health care costs continue to increase, consumers are looking towards alternative therapies to treat pain and stress. According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), 44 percent of adult Americans who received a massage between July 2010 and July 2011 received it for medical or health reasons compared to 35 percent the previous year. However, many consumers still have misconceptions about massage and how to make the most of their experience. It’s to be expected – there’s a sense of vulnerability when it comes to getting a massage, and many are reluctant to seek clarification.

Get the most out of your massage by following these simple tips:

* Speak up! At restaurants, we’re quick to request dressing on the side. At the drycleaners, we’re not afraid to ask for extra starch. Yet when it comes to receiving a customized massage, many consumers are hesitant to ask for what they want. It’s essential to clearly communicate your goals, so don’t be afraid to tell a massage therapist to spend more time on a certain area, or to alter their technique to be more gentle or firm.

* Undress to your comfort level: The customer has free range to undress as much, or as little, as he/she likes. Modesty is always accepted, so if you feel most comfortable in shorts and a T-shirt, wear it!

* Talk….or Don’t: You can chit chat during the treatment or be still, as you choose. The massage therapist will follow your lead.

* Rehydrate: Even though you’re laying still while receiving a massage, your muscles are being worked and they need to recharge. Always drink plenty of water following a massage. An hour-long massage works your muscles similar to that of an hour spent at the gym.

* Tip Appropriately: The general rule of thumb is to tip 15 to 25 percent. If using a coupon or packaged deal, tip on the original price of the massage.

Get out, get active and start expecting more performance results from regularly scheduled therapeutic massages this summer. The skilled therapists at Elements Therapeutic Massage Spokane will evaluate your health history, goals, challenges and lifestyle to determine the best massage for enhancing your physical performance. Call one of our local Spokane Elements studios today to start preparing your body for optimal performance this summer.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Available Appointments

The Following Appointments are Currently Available.
- Tuesday, May 1st -
Karla 12PM, 1PM
Ken 3PM, 5PM
Tracy 3PM, 4PM
Danielle 4PM, 7PM
Tausha 5PM
- Wednesday, May 2nd -
Jay 9AM, 10AM
Libby 11AM, 12PM
Rachael 1PM, 2PM
Tausha 3PM, 7PM
Sean 3PM, 5PM
Ken 5PM, 6PM
- Thursday, May 3rd -
Karla 10AM, 12PM
Tausha 11AM, 1PM
Ken 2PM, 5PM
Sean 3PM, 4PM
Danielle 4PM, 7PM
- Friday, May 4th -
Sean 9AM, 11AM
Danielle 12PM, 1PM
Tracy 2PM, 4PM
Ken 3PM
Sarah 530PM
Rachael 6PM

*** Call Now to Book your Elements Experience **

South Location
The Following Appointments are Currently Available
- Tuesday, May 1st - Chantalle 9AM, 10AM
Chrissy 10AM, 12PM
Kina 1PM, 2PM
Jay 1PM, 5PM
Tom 2PM, 4PM
Lilly 2PM, 3PM
Jessica 330PM, 630PM
Amanda 6PM, 7PM

- Wednesday, May 2nd - Jamie 9AM
Amanda 12PM, 1PM
Kina 1PM, 2PM
Mary Kate 2PM, 3PM
Lilly 4PM, 6PM
Tom 6PM, 7PM
Stephanie 7PM

- Thursday, May 3rd - Kina 9AM, 10AM
Kad 11AM, 12PM
Amanda 1130AM, 1230PM
Jamie 1PM, 2PM
Matthew* 2PM, 3PM
Chrissy 3PM, 4PM
Lilly 4PM, 7PM
Chantalle 5PM, 6PM
Stephanie 6PM, 7PM
*** Call Now to Book your Elements Experience **

Rejuvenate your Mommy Spirit

Shape Up Your Summer Body, While Rejuvenating Your Mommy Spirit
Moms spend most of their waking hours as caretakers – taking care of running a busy household, juggling work and family schedules, and caring about the health and happiness of friends, family members and even clients. Many times, though, caring for others is done at the expense of caring for themselves.
In celebration of Mother’s Day this month, it is time to start taking care of all the mothers out there who run their minds and bodies thin in an effort to care for everyone and everything that is important to them and their families. Caring for mothers starts with giving them the relaxation and rejuvenation they deserve with frequent massage therapy sessions tailored toward helping them reach their mind and body goals this summer.

To help moms get their bodies and minds ready for summertime activities, regular massage can be an excellent tool for repairing, reinvigorating and reshaping a women’s body. Whether you are striving to trim down winter’s last pounds or tone your body for fun summertime activities in the sun, massage can produce positive results for losing weight and firming up your body. It is time to bring in the massage troops to shape up your body and rejuvenate your mommy spirit.

  • Waist Reduction: Scientific studies have linked massage therapy with a reduction in cellulite, as the firm pressure of a typical massage may aide in breaking up fat capsules in the body’s tissues, enabling the body to absorb and shed cellulite. Massage also can have a positive effect on weight loss efforts by reducing the production of cortisol (high stress hormone) in your body. When you are stressed out, it can be difficult for your body to lose weight, even if you are eating healthy, as cortisol inhibits the body from releasing fat and toxins.

  • Positive Attitude: Incorporating massage into your health and wellness regimen can also transform a weight loss program from a dreaded experience to a more positive one. Instead of focusing on cutting out your favorite foods and depriving your body to meet your desired body shape, massage can turn the experience into a rewards-based environment that is focused on caring for your body and rebuilding the mental and physical pieces you may have lost over time.

  • Body Cleanse: Deep tissue massage techniques can help cleanse the body by helping eliminate toxins that can collect in your muscles after strenuous exercise. Massage also is an excellent agent for minimizing toxic attitudes that can weigh down your self consciousness and self esteem. The relaxing environment of a therapeutic massage not only motivates your mind and body to achieve wellness goals by energizing your attitude, but it also can establish a winning attitude that can set you up for accomplishing anything you focus your mind on.

  • Repair Muscles: Sports massage is a key element to soothing common muscle aches and pains caused from increased activity during the spring and summer months. As your activity levels increase, you may not always stretch, ice, heat or rest your tired muscles as often as you should. Regular monthly massages can provide the tune up that your body needs to stay up and running.
All mothers, and women in general, want to look good and feel good about their bodies. Massage is the solution the help you accomplish both – but the secret is receiving regular massage therapy sessions. Start taking care of your mom today by giving her the gift of massage this Mother’s Day. If you are a mother, you don’t have to wait until your kids or spouse are clued in on the benefits of massage. You can start adding yourself to the list of things and people you take care of by scheduling monthly therapeutic massages for yourself for the rest of the year.
So, come celebrate your motherhood this Mother’s Day with Elements Therapeutic Massage. The skilled therapists at Elements can tailor a monthly plan for helping you accomplish your body shape and health goals this summer.